What is the difference between Overdeck and other streaming controllers?
How do I update Overdeck?
How does Overdeck work with Wi-Fi?
Connection & Compatibility
I can't log in or create an account. What should I do?
How do I connect to Overdeck using my smartphone?
How do I troubleshoot connection issues with Overdeck?
Can I use Overdeck with multiple devices?
Can I use Overdeck with other streaming software?
Can I use Overdeck offline?
What OS supports Overdeck?
Can I use Overdeck with a dual-pc streaming setup?
How do I customize the interface of Overdeck?
How do I add buttons to Overdeck?
How do I trigger actions with Overdeck?
How do I customize my buttons?
Can I use custom backgrounds to my buttons?
How do I set up profiles?
Can I create custom buttons for Overdeck?
Which version of OBS does Overdeck support?